I am caught- between where I am going, and where I presently am. I desire to be a woman who lives "to the hilt" every moment, who does not wish away present circumstances out of ignorance believing the future is preferable, who embraces time- RIGHT NOW- and all is has to offer, all it has to soak up, all it has to overcome, and all is has to give herself to.
Biblically, we know that as Christians we are sojourners in a foreign land. That we were made for a home with our heavenly Father, and that this present time is "but a breath" in comparison to eternity. In fact, there can be no comparison to eternity at all, because it has no defined length.
I give a presentation at 3:00 today that will determine if I graduate. How amazing that I have worked for four years to get to 3:00 on March 30th? Seems a bit ironic, even a bit stupid! Why would I give four years to reach 10 minutes one day. This must be the vanity of toil!
But, I am reminded by the Lord that 3:00 on March 11th, 2011 will only come around once. That He has directed my path here, and desires me to embrace every 3:00 as I should, as the only one I will ever get.
He so desires us to trust where He has brought us. To live for HIM, as He designed, and to live for HIS glory in every one of those moments we will never get back.
I pray we give our lives, our moments, and all of ourselves to Him- the the place He has us RIGHT NOW- and that in our desiring for the future, we are not hindered from living the present.
Love it! "God cares more about our response to His Spirit’s leading today, in this moment, than about what we intend to do next year" -Francis Chan