Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am caught- between where I am going, and where I presently am. I desire to be a woman who lives "to the hilt" every moment, who does not wish away present circumstances out of ignorance believing the future is preferable, who embraces time- RIGHT NOW- and all is has to offer, all it has to soak up, all it has to overcome, and all is has to give herself to.
Biblically, we know that as Christians we are sojourners in a foreign land. That we were made for a home with our heavenly Father, and that this present time is "but a breath" in comparison to eternity. In fact, there can be no comparison to eternity at all, because it has no defined length.
I give a presentation at 3:00 today that will determine if I graduate. How amazing that I have worked for four years to get to 3:00 on March 30th? Seems a bit ironic, even a bit stupid! Why would I give four years to reach 10 minutes one day. This must be the vanity of toil!
But, I am reminded by the Lord that 3:00 on March 11th, 2011 will only come around once. That He has directed my path here, and desires me to embrace every 3:00 as I should, as the only one I will ever get.
He so desires us to trust where He has brought us. To live for HIM, as He designed, and to live for HIS glory in every one of those moments we will never get back.
I pray we give our lives, our moments, and all of ourselves to Him- the the place He has us RIGHT NOW- and that in our desiring for the future, we are not hindered from living the present.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The green chair....

1001 Home Place Lane...the destination of my choice for the last spring break of my life. While others may choose Panama City, the Bahamas, a cruise, a beach, or even a trip to see friends, I am drawn to the big green chair sitting in the living room that I have spent most of the nights of my life in since the day I was born. This chair, cozily tucked in next to the fireplace (my favorite thing about my home), is where I curl up to watch an episode of NCIS, drink a cup of coffee, remember where I have been, and think about where I am going. 
Isn't it funny how a chair can turn into a world of its own? Since my Mom purchased it my senior year of high school I can not count the hours I have spent sitting here. There are many weekends I return from MSU with the big green chair being a main motivation for the 3 hour journey.

 For a realist like me, this all feels a bit sentimental. But, as I face the next phase of like in a new place, "green chair-less" (if you will), I am drawn to remember:

"God is God. Because he is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what he is up to." 
 Elisabeth Elliot

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A trip to the capital...

I returned yesterday from a trip to the state capital, Frankfort. I was nominated by a dear friend to go as a student representative from MSU to the Governor's Prayer Breakfast & KY Student Leadership Forum. I entered the day not knowing what to expect. 
Here is what I knew: it was "spiritual". As I am sure many of my brothers and sisters will agree, often in our culture anything labeled as a faith-based or spiritual event, even including the word "prayer", can end up being nothing more than diluted morality at best. Most usually, the words "Jesus Christ" are omitted and replaced with talk of "individual spiritual journey" or "trust in "god"". My mind automatically cues itself to John 14:6- no one comes to the Father, EXCEPT THROUGH ME. Reminding me that this type of "faith" is nothing more than the strivings of an imperfect human to fit the Creator of the universe into a mold they and those around them are comfortable with, and therefore calling out to a "god" that isn't true. 

I did agree to attend, however, with hopes to enjoy some insight to leadership and to get a glimpse into the inner workings of our Commonwealth's political leadership. 

I came home last night blown away, encouraged in the Lord, and truly believing that there is no reason for me to believe hope for America and specifically Kentucky is anywhere NEAR lost. 

At the Prayer Breakfast I met a girl named Sarah, she too was anxious to hear what we would learn. In a short time I would see that her faith in the God of the Universe was strong and real....she knew Jesus personally, and it showed. 

After that I shuffled into a room of about 45 students. A man named Dan Lewis facilitated, praying over each speaker personally and speaking proudly and loudly the name of the Lord and Savior. Dr. Lewis continued to bring our minds back to the fact that, as the next generation of leaders, we a are involved not just in state, or nation, but Kingdom work. 

Harvey Thomas, former press secretary to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, spoke on the need of our generation to know what is going on in the world. His encouragement to trust God in His guidance of where we should be was insightful. He has been all over the world because he opened his palms to the Lord in leaving full time ministry after many years to work elsewhere. 

Also, Dr. Jeremy Corbett spoke on our great need to:
1. Be available to God's plan- specifically to find CHRIST-FOLLOWING mentors 
2. Stand out- you are called to be different than the world around you
3. Be a true problem-solver- don't just see the problem....solve it 

Another highlight was Dr. Lincoln Bringham. He is a pastor whose grandparents were slaves in KY. His grandfather lived until he was 15, so he personally heard accounts of his grandfather's days as a slave. 
He spoke to our faith in God, and His power. My major take away was the question "Where are you going unswervingly and unashamed of a God who will supply all of your needs?"

Other Highlights included:
Leadership= Followship
Priorities and Non-negotiables

In short, I was consistently encouraged throughout the day by these wise men. Also, by my fellow students in sharing their experiences. 

Through them I trust that the lyrics of the old hymn Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus will be cried out in lives throughout our state.

Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
let us find our rest in thee.

Israel's strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth thou art:
dear desire of every nation,
joy of every longing heart.

Born thy people to deliver,
born a child, and yet a king,
born to reign in us for ever,
now thy gracious kingdom bring.

By thine own eternal Spirit
rule in all our hearts alone;
by thine all-sufficient merit
raise us to thy glorious throne.